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Our Story


In 2017, Helen Daniels, Janice Cotter and Zoe Royer, were curators of three local Port Moody galleries (Gallery Bistro, Port Moody Art Centre, Silk Gallery). They got together to collaborate on an event titled Indigenous Perspectives to be held on Summer Solstice.

The 2017 event featured wall mounted art work, carvings, sculpture, music and storytelling by West Coast Indigenous artists. A short walk was necessary to connect the three venues into one cohesive event. This walk was elevated by way of a drummed procession that participants could be part of. The three women enjoyed this collaboration.

Soon after, planning began for a much larger event for 2018; an art walk that would encompass many venues and artists throughout downtown Port Moody. A map was an important tool for wayfinding and choosing the right name for the event became integral to Port Moody's unique art walk experience and branding; The Shuffle!


2018 saw upwards of 700 people attend. Fundraising was necessary to support the work of these three volunteers, and grow the momentum for the following year. City and private sponsorship allowed for the purchase of printed street flag poles, buttons and more printed material, and modest advertising. 2019 was even more successful! 


One month after the 2019 event, the Gallery Bistro was destroyed due to a fire. Sadly, this meant that Helen would need to focus her efforts on the aftermath of this tragedy on her building and business.


The two remaining founders were committed to bringing the much loved Shuffle to Port Moody for 2020 and beyond, so Janice and Zoe set to work planning the next Shuffle. Of course, Covid19 arrived and planning had to be halted. A date was then selected for 2021, then 2022. Unfortunately, Covid had not yet lifted early enough in 2022 to plan for a successful event.In the Fall of 2022, planning for the 2023 Shuffle began. And here we are! Yay!!! 

to shuffle... (verb)

1. walk by dragging one's feet along or without lifting them fully from the ground.     

2. rearrange (a deck of cards) by sliding the cards over each other quickly.


Site design by Zoe Royer and Tamara Grand

© 2025 The Shuffle - Port Moody Art Walk

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